Drop Your Nets And Follow

Follow The One Who Brings Light Into Darkness

by Eric Elkin

Come, follow me,” he said, “and I’ll show you how to fish for people.
— Matthew 4:19

A question dwells deep in my soul. It has been there for quite some time. As a pastor, I cannot share this question with people without causing a stir. But I meditate on it most days and nights. The question is — Why do I still follow Jesus? Often, I present it to myself this way: knowing what I know now, would I still make the decision to work in an intentional Christian community for seven years? Would I still make the sacrifice and ask my family to sacrifice so I could go to seminary?

Some days, I can give a deep, profound, and confident answer. Then, there are times when I am not sure. It is a strange question to answer in mixed company. (Mixed being clergy and non-clergy). If I am too confident in my answer, then others feel lacking in faith. When people feel they are not doing it right or as confident, they assume they must not believe. On the other hand, If my answer is filled with doubt, why would people listen to me? 

I have watched friends and family stop following and listen to their reasons. Their reasons often make me feel as though I am the unenlightened one. They tell me they found wisdom, power, and meaning elsewhere. Frankly, I don’t see it. My compassionate side understands they are on a journey and they are searching. What I see, though, are people who carved more time for themselves and less time for the world around them. If I say that, then I am being judgmental. 

My morning begins in silence. Once I am calm, I listen to the Pray As You Go podcast. Today, the spiritual guide asked me to place myself in this scene from the Gospel of Matthew. She asked me to listen as though Jesus was approaching me and asking me to follow. Then she said, “Talk to the Lord, as he approaches you, about whatever is on your heart. Let him know if following him is tough. Let him listen. Let him respond.” So I did that very thing.

How do you change your behavior? Change what you worship.
— Timothy Keller

Would I still follow? Yes, I would and would not think twice about dropping my nets and departing with Jesus. Following is tough, but I did not feel it necessary this morning to share with Jesus my travails. One, I talk to him about it every morning. And, two, it is hard to complain about difficulties to one who died on a cross. I think my daughter would call my struggles “First World problems.” And she would be right.

My answer to why I still follow can be found in one word — resurrection. To me, the resurrection proclaims the incredible power and mystery of God. It also reveals the truth about all creation. All things die — from the stars in deep space to leaves on my trees. When these things die, they eventually become new life. Resurrection is not some fantasy but the truth of all creation. Jesus invites me to live in the light of the resurrection. That is why I will drop whatever nets I hold and follow. 

Humans are prone to hatred, prejudice, and war. These dark conditions can seem all-consuming and invincible. Yet, those who follow the path of resurrection understand new life is possible. They pray and work for peace in the world, in their communities, at work, and in their homes. When you embrace the resurrection, you live in gratitude, awe, and hope. So this Advent season, I invite you to drop your nets and follow the one who brings light into darkness. 

Click to read Matthew 4: 18-22

Reflection Questions:

  • What would you say to Jesus if he approached you at work and asked you to follow?

  • If following is a challenge, what level of challenge are you willing to accept?

  • How often does doubt play a role in your faith life?

  • What do you need to hear to silence the doubt?

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