Christ Abides

We Will Not Be Devoured By Death And Hatred

by Eric Elkin

Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life. Whoever doesn’t believe in the Son won’t see life, but the angry judgment of God remains on them.
— John 3:36

How do we respond to the events of this world? There seems to be no place to hide from the onslaught of anxiety-producing news. I can barely cope with news of war and casualties of war coming out of Ukraine. Yet, we know war and civil unrest extends way beyond just Ukraine and Russia. We are learning the Cold War never ended. We just switched dance partners. And now the tension between global powers seems too hot to be called cold.

The news we digest is more than news. Reporters describe real actions that dramatically impact real lives. A young boy gets shot because he knocked on the wrong door. A young woman is shot and killed because she turned into the wrong driveway. Three police officers were shot responding to a domestic disturbance, and one officer died. How do we respond to these events?

The question is a selfish one. As a pastor, I want to know how I should respond to these things. Should I turn a blind eye and a deaf ear to them? Should I turn your gaze up into the heavens to focus on heavenly things? I am not convinced this is the right and faithful approach. Perhaps I should join the chorus of angry voices spotlighting the transgressions of people and the hopelessness of this word? This does not feel like the answer. I know we belong to something more than this earth.

Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness.
— Desmond Tutu

John the Baptist offers us some level of comfort. He reminds us that the problems we face are not new. The world has constantly been challenged by the competing promises of heaven and earth. The one who comes from above is above all things. The one who is from the earth belongs to the earth…”(John 3:31). John the Baptist also reminds us the one from heaven above came to those who belong to the earth.

Some might read John 3:36 as judgment and condemnation. Yet, I see hope and a framework for how to respond to violence in these words. You will never see life if you believe that guns and violence are essential for peace. You define yourself by the things of earth. If, however, you believe Christ abides and gives the Spirit generously to all, you will live abundantly. 

Those who belong to the earth attempt every day to rob us of hope. They try to convince you that God is above it all and responsible for all the despair we see. But we believe in the Risen Christ. We believe the One above it all chose to descend into our earthly reality and lift us up. So, how do we respond? We trust that Christ abides in it all. He will not let us be devoured by death and hatred. We really are above it all.


Click to read John 3:31-36

Reflection Questions:

  • When has your soul felt overwhelmed by negativity?

  • How do you find yourself responding to overwhelming negativity?

  • What response has helped you discover hope?

  • How when I say, “Christ abides in it all” how do you feel about it?

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